Saving Your Hair Is Possible!
Call Now: (877) 234-1688

Hi, just wanted to send a short testimonial – it was a last minute decision to try and keep my hair. I called on a Friday afternoon from the West Coast and had everything I needed that Saturday morning for my treatment on Monday. I followed the protocol and kept my hair! Thank you for your excellent customer service!

BillArctic Cold Caps Client

Natalia CalderonMy name is Natalia Calderon. Having seen and experienced the devastating effects of hair loss, I was determined to do everything in my hands to avoid it without jeopardizing my treatment.

I was initially skeptical about the effectiveness of the cold caps system but I decided to try it after reading a few encouraging reports. I am very glad I did because it was a complete success: I had only minimal, negligible hair loss after 12 doses!  I can safely say that the cold caps system can significantly decrease hair loss when done properly.

The team at Arctic Cold Caps facilitated the process  and delivered support throughout the treatment ensuring the appropriate handling of the equipment for better effectiveness.

I have no doubt that avoiding hair loss significantly improved my quality of life during the treatment and most likely also had a favorable impact in my ability to cope with the disease and the other side effects. I would encourage every patient facing potential hair loss to consider the Arctic Cold Caps system.

Dr, Natalia Calderon

noelThank you Artic Cold Caps! I kept my hair, and I’m so thankful. January, 2016, I was diagnosed. I remember vividly sitting in the doctors office, and they were telling me one bad thing after another. My ears starting ringing and all I could see was turning gray. “Keep it together” I told myself. I could barely get my question out…”Will I loose my hair?” Yes. He said. “Is there a chance?” “No.” He replied. The other Doctor replied “Well, the good news is hair grows back.”

Well…actually there’s GREAT news, and there is a chance! (More about that later)

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m sure he was trying to make me see the good within all the bad, but it was the worst. I’m a hairdresser! Please don’t tell me what hair does. I know it grows, and I knew I didn’t want to loose it. For some, hair might not be a big deal, but for me it was. Bald unfortunately is the outward sign that lets everyone know whether you want them to or not. It’s what makes people feel instantly sorry for you. I really didn’t want that. I wanted to look like normal Noelle, not sick.

That night I sat there thinking, there must be something out there…something to try…maybe some crazy quinoa acai superfood deep from the jungle vitamin I could take?! Haha! I mean, it can pretty much be cured, and we can go into outer space, but I can’t keep my hair?! So on the internet I went, and found Artic Cold Caps. I called first thing in the morning! I finished 6 months of treatment, I’m in remission, and I kept my hair!

I tell everyone about Cold Capping, and I can’t wait until everyone knows about it, and they are at least given the option when they sit in the oncology office. This makes you feel like everything is being ripped away from you. You don’t have any option or choice, but there is when it comes to your hair.


IMG_5357Every aspect of my experience with Arctic Cold Caps has been excellent.

From the first call placed, I found the entire staff to be professional, efficient and compassionate.
All members of their team went over and beyond to ensure safe and successful capping experience.

I chose to take advantage of Arctic Cold Cap’s services that allowed for a member of their nursing staff to assist me with each session.
The nurses who accompanied me were wonderfully delightful and competent individuals. I enjoyed the time I spent with them.

I was completely amazed that I did not lose any hair through all twelve sessions. I feel as though I have experienced a miracle and my family and friends agree.
It was very empowering to be able to continue living my life without the public being aware of my personal and private health challenges.

I truly wish everyone could be informed of the cold cap option to prevent hair loss. I know that I will do everything I can to get the word out about Arctic Cold Caps and how they can help men and women better cope with
it by retaining such an important part of their identity.

I am so very happy and thankful that my team informed me of the cold cap option and I will be forever grateful to Arctic Cold Caps.

Janice Kelly (above right)Arctic Cold Caps Client

beforeafterI was diagnosed at the age of 37.

My doctor wanted me to do 4 rounds. Everyone I ran in to (doctors, nurses, etc) were so set on telling me “you will lose your hair”, I was devastated and frustrated that it had to be like this and with everything I had in me, I told them I had chosen to keep my hair. “It’s my hair, and I’m going to keep it”!

Through research and several phone calls I was blessed to have the opportunity to try Arctic Cold Caps and started them with my first treatment. I actually had forgotten to tell my doctor I was using the cold caps so when I went in after my very last treatment, she sat studying me and finally said “I can’t even tell you’re wearing a wig”. I told her, it’s not a wig, this is my hair! Needless to say, her mouth just about dropped to the floor and then she said “you are the only patient to not lose their hair”! Wow! That’s all I can say!

Between God, the Arctic Cold Cap system, and my cold cap pit crew, WE DID IT! We showed everyone, you don’t have to look like a patient!

Carrie WArctic Cold Caps Client

I want to thank you for your generous support through my personal journey.

Facing my third round that would take my hair away once again (ugh) my friends found Arctic Cold Caps online and contacted you on my behalf. The Caps were promptly sent to me even though I am all the way across the country. To everyone’s amazement at my treatment center, the Cold Caps have worked and my hair has stayed intact.

This is a difficult experience at best, but you have made it much easier by providing Cold Caps. It is such a luxury given the circumstances to be out and about. It makes my life outside this normal and normal is a really good thing.

It didn’t take us long to [get acquainted] with the Cold Cap routine. Once we used them it became easier each time and now we don’t even think about it.

EmilyArctic Cold Caps Client


This pic was taken Sunday & I had round 4 yesterday. My doctor is stunned & thinks I need to be your spokesperson! Very blessed that I still have all of my beautiful curls!!

Stacey M (on right)

I’m amazed as are the nurses and my doctor that I’m not losing my hair! I just finished my fifth treatment and next Tuesday will be the 6th—so almost half way through ….I’m so glad I chose to do this and thank you for your help. Going  strong!

Christine B


I just wanted to thank you for saving my hair and helping me get back on my feet faster.  The cold caps really worked for me, I lost a bit of hair on the top of my head, but unless you really looked no one could tell I experienced any hair loss at all.  They really helped me get through my treatment, and they helped my family get through this challenging time also.  One thing that I thought would be bothersome was changing the caps every 20 minutes for the 7 hours of pre through post treatment, but actually it helped me focus on something else and it made the time pass really fast. I was glad I had the distraction! Both my friend and my sister helped me through the treatments, which was a really good thing for me! Thank you to your team for providing this service and making the fight just a little easier to go through.

Julia CArctic Cold Caps Client

Being diagnosed  was devastating.  So many doctor visits and tests. I was very depressed. I had, it seemed no control on anything. Ever changing treatments and dates. Once a plan was in place I started to think about the side effects of all the surgeries and treatment. I would try to do all I could to control my side effects through diet, medication and exercise. The one side effect of chemo I was concerned with was hair loss. I had heard about cold capping and decided to do some research.

There are many companies out there to rent the caps from. The idea is to wear a cold cap 30 minutes before, during and 4 hours after chemo. This constricts the blood vessels in the scalp.  It will be cold but only for the first 5 minutes or so, then it’s fine.  All the companies provide the caps, but you need much more than the caps.  Just to name a few things that you must have during this process.  Velcro straps,  moleskin,  wide tooth comb,  thermometer, gloves,  timer, pillow case, cooler. Some of the companies only provide the caps or caps and cooler.  Artic Cold Caps provided me with everything that I mentioned and more. These things add up not to mention the time to find and purchase it all.   Not only did Artic Cold Cap provide all this.  It was by far the most economical of ALL the other companies.  It was nice to just call and have everything delivered to my door.

The whole team at Artic Cold Cap were awesome.  Ciro helped me set it all up and answered all my questions every time I called.  Theresa helped me with the paperwork and always followed up with me. Mary Lou,  RN. taught me and my helpers how to use the caps. We skyped together until I was confident in the process.  The whole team was available at a moment’s notice for last minute questions.   They all also checked up on me.   Can’t say enough about this company.

I’ve had 3 treatments and have 3 more to go.  I’ve had minimal shedding,  mostly when I wash my hair.  I still have a full head of hair and that makes me feel better during everything else I’ve been through.  Thank you Artic Cold Caps!


Just wanted to take a minute and thank you so much for all your help with the Cold Caps. It really was a wonderful experience and you and your team made it even easier. I was really scared to lose my hair. It is such an important part of your self-esteem, but the thought of freezing my head was terrifying. I was pleasantly surprised at how I was able to handle it.

You gave me so much support and your kit really had everything in it; so there was nothing for us to do other then pick up the dry ice-which you were so helpful in researching dry ice companies and helping me to get the best price for it.

My husband felt confident that if something went wrong or he was confused she would be there to help us on treatment day. Thank you again for all your help and compassion. It really means a lot not to feel like just a dollar sign. Your compassion and understanding really made a terrible situation so much better.


I would recommend Arctic Cold Caps to everyone undergoing treatment. I saved all of my hair by using Arctic Cold Caps. It helped my husband to have a sense of purpose in helping me save my hair.

What do you think of Arctic Cold Caps? I grade them 100%!

Patricia K

From my initial phone call to Arctic Cold Caps, the experience stood out. The owner of the company was kind, emphatic and supportive. That marked the beginning of an exceptional experience during an otherwise challenging time, the nurse was experienced, wise and great company. Members of the Arctic Cold Cap staff went above and beyond in their support.

The logistics were taken care of by them; organizational detail did not fall to me. There were always follow-up emails and phone calls, detailed attention to what was happening, how to make it more comfortable and careful attention to every aspect of cold capping. During treatments, they retrieved my lunch, got nurses as needed and acted like a personal attendant. The owner’s support and obvious personal investment is unmatched!


Finding out at 36 years old was devastating. Finding out that I needed treatment after my surgery was just as bad. I immediately thought of losing my hair and my 2 children seeing me different. I did some research and came across the website for Arctic Cold Caps. I spoke to a representative there who was most helpful. I figured it was worth a shot….I had nothing to lose. I did 12 rounds of chemo once a week. Every week I waited to see if my hair fell out and it didn’t. I can happily say that yesterday was my last treatment and I have just as much hair as I started out with!!! I never looked any different to anyone but most importantly my children. This company including the people who work for it is amazing…..truly, amazing. They cared so much about my well being, and how it was working….they would call me periodically to check in, and answer any questions I had. I am so, so happy with my results. I wish more people knew about Arctic Cold Caps.

I really want to thank Ciro and Theresa from the bottom of my heart. You guys made this difficult journey much easier for me, and I couldn’t be more thankful.

Christine G.

To My Friends at Arctic Cold Caps:

I say “Friends” because even though we haven’t met, I feel that what you’ve done for me and so easily provided all in one package was in the same category of family and friends, who saw what I needed and provided it to me.

The nurse who coached us via Skype offered so many helpful tips. I have kept most of my hair! I probably lost 20% of my hair – so Happy!

Sheila R.Arctic Cold Caps Client

Being diagnosed at an early age and losing my hair at that time was almost more than I could handle. Having since been re-diagnosed, my biggest fear was losing my hair again. The thought of it was unbearable. My doctor recommended cold caps and I’m glad he did. I have completed 4 cycles of and I still have my hair. Thank you Arctic Cold Caps for making me feel and look like me during this journey.

Lindsay W.

I was very happy with the Arctic Cold Cap Co. as everyone was very accommodating, informative and helpful.  The product arrived quickly and instructions were very easy to follow.  It does involve some planning and help from friends and family, with purchasing dry ice, and applying the caps, but once you do the procedure once, it becomes routine. I was fortunate to have a few conversations with their RN, as she was very knowledgeable and was helpful with suggestions. I used the caps faithfully throughout the 8 treatments and since I had the A/C regimen which is the hardest on the hair, I did lose my hair BUT, it did not completely come out at the typical 2 week mark, but rather at approximately 8 weeks.   I continued to use the caps throughout the rest of the treatments (4 in total) and my hair started to grow back around the 3rd treatment. Currently It is coming in very nicely. I do believe the caps allowed me to keep my hair much longer, than had I not used them, and helped it to grow in faster towards the end of the treatments, as I am surprised how much I have, having just finished my last chemo treatment.  I would highly recommend Arctic Cold Cap Co. to anyone wishing to  help prevent induced hair loss, and I would do it again if needed.

Doctor Lisa S.

My wife and I are extremely satisfied with the Arctic Cold Cap system. We used it for her six treatments and she has kept most of her hair; probably lost only 15 to 20% of her hair, which was what Arctic Cold Caps told us would likely be the case. Keeping her hair has been a real bright spot in this whole ordeal; it has really added to her self-confidence and given her a positive event to enjoy throughout the difficult treatments. Yes, it does require a dedicated assistant to help with the process, but I found that each time we did it I became more adept in the process and it was easier and easier to help her with the caps. Halfway through the first day I was an expert at it. It was uncomfortable at first for her, but within a few minutes of wearing the cap she got used to the cold and was able to get through the day with no problem. Her doctor told us at the end that he had a few patients that had tried some other cold cap system, but none of them were able to keep their hair. I would heartily recommend Arctic Cold Caps to anyone going through treatment who wants to keep their hair and we have been telling everyone we see at doctor’s offices about how great Arctic Cold Caps are and how helpful the employees are. We are definitely satisfied customers!

John and Chlotille F

Our daughter has finished her treatment! She is in remission! She tolerated treatment very well. Her hair loss was significantly decreased from what we were told to expect. All of the hospital staff were amazed at how much hair she was able to retain…

Your staff has been amazing. It was a late decision for my daughter to use cold caps. Theresa was able to have the caps at our home in time to have them ready for the first treatment (basically overnight!).  Dawn was soooo helpful. She skyped a training session (accommodating for the time difference), answered our questions quickly via text throughout the treatment course and responded to email when the nurse was not available. Mary Lou responded to our emails quickly. And you were very helpful with the dry ice. We used Acme dry ice in Somerville/Cambridge MA. They were always kind, respectful and helpful (I never had to lift the cooler into the car after it was loaded!).

My husband and I will be running 5 and 10K races at Disney in January to raise funds for future patients. We will be sure to share our experience regarding Arctic Cold Caps.

Tricia and Brad J.

After 10 treatments…

Doing great! Everyone wants to know why I have hair and they don’t with the same treatment. I am happy to share my story of the Arctic Cold Caps! You have been wonderful and I am thankful to have my hair!!!

Annette B.


I went through 4 rounds of treatment and 4 rounds of another with just minimal shedding. You have to follow the guidelines and tips, but I can truly say it will work! The staff were always there to answer any questions and they were very kind and helpful. I work in the medical field and most people I came into contact with never guessed I was going through harsh treatment. Mentally, looking like myself,  made a huge difference in my confidence and positive attitude.
Elaine HydeArctic Cold Caps Client

Saving Your Hair Is Possible!
Call Now: (877) 234-1688

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Saving Your Hair Is Possible!
Call Now: (877) 234-1688

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